Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Information Architecture and the proverbial you

Anyone who knows me knows about my obsessive tendencies. I've been thinking a lot about those tendencies lately, and have realized they all relate to each other. You see, I constantly think about how to structure and display stuff. And by stuff, I mean everything in my life. From what info to display and organize on websites, to my daily to-do lists, and all the things in my house. I reorganize furniture, kitchen utensils, clothing (my closet is organized by shirt material and sleeve lengths, bottoms by skirts (again, by length) and pants).. you get the idea. My husband comes home, and potentially, nothing could be in the same place it was before he left. I'm constantly categorizing and re-categorizing everything, depending on what seems logical that day.

Well, what seems logical to me anyways..


Friday, April 25, 2008


Isn't ironic that my last post was about 'digitally disconnecting' and now, here I am, courting twitter. You'll notice that I have a new twitter area in the right column.

Let's see where this goes...


Friday, April 18, 2008

The importance of unplugging

Legs sent me an article about a grass-roots movement in the tech world to unplug. One writer likens surfing the web to a drunken blackout, saying she will go check e-mail and 'wake up' 6 hours later watching cute puppy videos on YouTube.

Here's the article and her blog, 52 nights unplugged.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gmail Backdating

Gmails new feature that allows you to backdate e-mails is an interesting concept. I'm not sure how I feel about Google allowing people to deceive others, even with limits on how often you can use the feature.

That's my two cents.


Friday, April 4, 2008

drupal cookbook

Open source CMS's are everywhere now a days. During my interviews for web positions, it seems everyone is using them. I've had some exposure to a few different content management systems, like plone and closerware (for non-profits), and even home grown cms's.

Now, I'm getting my feet wet with drupal.

What is drupal? According to wikipedia: drupal is a free and open source modular framework and content management system (CMS) written in the programming language PHP.

I've been learning about drupal and how to use it and hope to re-do prenspace using drupal at some point. Here is a good beginner's tutorial for drupal


This time, I won't abandon you..

As a web professional, I thought it fitting to start a new blog dedicated to webmaster-ly topics.

I will use this blog as a way to discuss current web topics, such as content management systems, information architecture and web usability.

Welcome and ejoy!
